International Blind Golf Association

Join Us And Enjoy Participating In Blind Golf


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Volunteers Welcomed

Volunteer as a Guide or Assistant Helper

Helper Lines up Blind Golfer to Put Caddying or becoming a blind golf player helper is very rewarding and a lot of fun. The great part is you are trained, shown how to and where, so while golfing experience is helpful it is not necessary. All you need do is volunteer.

The main aid that is very critical for the vision impaired or totally blind golfer is their helper or caddie. Most helpers or caddies are volunteers who are in many cases are very passionate about the game of golf. Like the blind golfers themselves.

What Is The Job Of A Blind Golfer's 'Caddy'

It is a little different and somewhat more involving than a regular caddy

The caddy in the regular game the caddie attends the match with the player and at the tee, on the fairways and on the greens assists the golfer in club choice which is based on distance and terrain.

In Blind Golf the helper or guide (the Caddy) assists in lining up each shot, advisers the player of the distance and then helps by positioning the player and places the club behind the ball.

The blind golfer then takes it from that point; it should be noted that the caddy cannot assist in any way during the hitting of the ball or stroke.

As time passes the blind player gains a true sense of how to play the game.

They gain a refined sense of feeling about the ball and how it travels through the air and across the greens into the hole.

They learn how the wind, the slope of fairways and greens play. Keep in mind that there are no bells, whistles or other sounds or other indicators to help them and that is part of the caddie's job to advise.

It must be said that caddying for a blind golfer is immensely rewarding, fulfilling and a whole lot of fun.

There is a wonderful and strange sense of achievement when your blind golfing player creates the perfect shot or putts and rolls the golf ball along the green and the ball drops into the hole of a difficult putt.

The most pleasant sound for a Blind Golfer is the sound of the ball hitting the bottom of the cup, a sound as sighted golfers we take for granted and seldom notice.

No unfortunately as much as you would like to you can not do it for them but you do get to feel, when the ball drops just right, that you helped do that.

There is so much to gain from being a helper or guide because you certainly influence the process. It must also be said you will feel the pain of of the not so good a shot or the missed putt. But that is all part of being a caddy or helper for a blind golf player.

It is quite evident that the challenge of being a blind golfer transcends all abilities!

Come with us - join in on the fun and become a Volunteer Caddy as a Blind Golfer Guide or Helper today.


International Blind Golf Association

Join Us And Enjoy Participating In Blind Golf

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